Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Warburg Institute
The Warburg Institute owes its mission—and its very existence—to the open movement of people, collections and ideas. When it was forced out of Germany (with the rise of the Nazis in 1933), the University of London gave it a permanent home: in the course of a turbulent century, the Institute has served as a safe haven for displaced scholars and as a creative crucible for those whose work sits outside traditional structures. Its approach to the afterlife of the past has always embraced multiple traditions, from Greek and Latin to Hebrew and Arabic; and its commitment to cultural memory includes not only the history of art and literature but food, folklore and magic. For this reason, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn considered the Institute to be the natural home for her Eranos Archive of Jungian archetypes, and Dominique and John de Ménil entrusted us with the photographic collection and library of their pioneering project on the Image of the Black in Western Art.
The University within which we sit was founded in 1836 upon the principles of equality and established to provide education on the basis of merit. We at the Warburg fully subscribe to the following statement from the University of London statutes:
The University shall not discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, religion, social background or political belief. (21.1)
We expect everyone in the extended Warburg community to act in accordance with the University’s statutes.
We are fully committed to enhancing diversity and promoting equality for our staff, students, fellows, readers and event delegates. Moreover, we are actively participating in EDI initiatives across the School of Advanced Study to ensure that our books and other collections are described, handled and shared in a suitable manner.