The Scheme of the Warburg

The objects of the Institute are to promote research on the formation, character and history of the classical tradition in all its aspects; and to be a University, national and international centre for interdisciplinary study of the various branches of history through cultural documents, both visual and literary.

The School of Advanced Study

The Institute is a member-Institute of the School of Advanced Study of the University, and this Scheme is to be read in conjunction with the Constitution of the School, approved by the Council of the University. The Board, the Directorate and the Dean of the School of Advanced Study are hereinafter referred to as “the Board”, “the Directorate” and “the Dean” respectively.

The Director of the Institute

The Director is the academic and administrative Head of the Institute and is appointed in accordance with Ordinance 13, in consultation with the Dean and the Chair of the Advisory Council.

The Director is accountable to the Vice-Chancellor, through the Dean, for the academic, administrative and financial business of the Institute within financial guidelines laid down by the University and in accordance with the objects of the Institute and with policies determined by the Council, the Board and the Directorate, including the terms of the Management Agreement (being the agreement of 5th February 2015 between the University, Professor Prag, Professor McGowan and Dr Mouren) In particular, the Director shall:

  • advance the objects of the Institute within the resources available to it;
  • in consultation with the Advisory Council of the Institute, formulate plans for the Institute’s academic development for consideration by the Directorate of the School of Advanced Study;
  • implement approved plans and supervise, direct and participate in the academic work of the Institute, reporting periodically to the Advisory Council as appropriate on the academic work of the Institute;
  • prepare and submit to the Advisory Council an annual report on the activity of the Institute for consideration and forwarding to the Directorate and the Board of the School;
  • consult with and report to the Advisory Council on matters which should be drawn to their attention for information or advice.

The Director shall be ex officio a member of the Advisory Council and of the Directorate. 

Advisory Council of the Institute


The Advisory Council shall consist of:

  • Ex officio members
  • The Director of the Institute
  • The Dean or Deputy Dean
  • The Consortia ProDean
  • Two representatives of the Warburg family
  • The Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art

Appointed members

Not more than two Directors of Institutes within the School of Advanced Study

At least eight members drawn from universities and similar organisations UK-wide including up to four from University of London Colleges

Up to two members drawn from partners/financial stakeholders not covered by (2) but associated with the discipline

At least one but up to two individuals representing academic libraries. Where there are two, at least one should be external to the University of London

Not more than two members of the academic staff of the Institute elected by and from among the Committee of academic staff

No more than three other persons, whether resident in this country or not, whose interests lie in the special field of the Warburg Institute

At least one but up to two representatives of the national postgraduate research community

A set of papers for each meeting of the Advisory Council shall be sent to the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman of the Board.

The Advisory Council will appoint persons to be members of the Advisory Council, with the exception of ex officio members.

The Advisory Council will review its membership annually taking account of the guidelines set out below:

appointed members may serve for a maximum of four consecutive years, except in the circumstances set out in Clause 9.2 below. The maximum of four years will apply even in the event of a person’s category of membership of the Advisory Council changing;

the circumstances referred to in clause 9.1 are: 

  • if a member is appointed as Chairman of the Advisory Council;
  • where in the opinion of the Board of the School specialised knowledge or experience is required;
  • once a person has served on the Advisory Council for a period of four consecutive years, a period of two years must normally elapse before that person becomes eligible for reappointment to the Advisory    Council (but service as an ex officio member shall not count for this purpose);
  • any Student members should be appointed annually.

The Chairman of the Advisory Council will be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor after appropriate consultation.

 Five members of the Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum.

Terms of Reference

The Advisory Council will act as a sounding board for the Director by:

  •  advising the Director on the Institute’s aims and objectives both nationally and internationally;
  •  considering and advising the Director on strategic and operational plans for future development;
  • advising the Director on developments within the subject areas and implications and opportunities that may arise for collaboration, research promotion and facilitation, how to improve impact, research and   teaching and interdisciplinary working;
  • considering reports from the Institute, and advise on any aspects of the Institute’s work;
  •  assisting the School with Institute and other reviews as appropriate.


Staff of the Institute are employed by the University on conditions of service determined by the University and are subject to the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University.


This Scheme is subject to modification from time to time by the Board.

Approved by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Board, 5 December 2006

Changes to clauses 3, 4, 6, 9.1, 10 and 12 authorised by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Board, 5 February 2015