Bilderatlas Mnemosyne | Final version
Final version | October 1929
Warburg tried to establish a final or last version of the Bilderatlas after his return, in mid-July 1929, from a nine-months long sojourn in Italy, followed by a stay at a health spa. Whilst in Rome he had been working on two series of panels for central chapters of the Bilderaltas. The first of these two additional series was developed in connection with his lecture at the Biblitoteca Hertiziana, held in late January 1929, and the second, much shorter series, was drafted in early May 1929. After Warburg had returned to Hamburg, he worked ceaselessly to include the findings of his Italian journey in the Bilderatlas-in-progress. The last written record of an order of panels and arrangement of images, established by himself, dates from 19 October 1929. Warburg passed away seven days later, on 26 October 1929. Sometime after this date 63 numbered – since the calligraphy of the numbers varies and differs from the existing series, possibly including minor posthumous changes – and an unknown number of unnumbered panels were photographed of an Atlas clearly incomplete. The most striking proof of the status of ‘work-in-progress’ is the gap between panels 8 and 20, a lacuna of 11 numbers. Perhaps Warburg was still trying to finalize the so-called development of Perseus; a short series of unnumbered panels addressing this theme is extant, too. As a fighter against monsters, Perseus was for Warburg a mythical incarnation of the human soul in its struggle against evil. Warburg neither managed to include the impact of the thought of Giordano Bruno, the early modern philosopher for whom myths were an allegory of cognition; he had discovered Bruno’s crucial role in the development of abstract thinking during his trip to Italy. [C.W.]
Panel A
Panel B
Panel C
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Panel 6
Panel 7
Panel 8
Panel 20
Panel 21
Panel 22
Panel 23
Panel 23a
Panel 24
Panel 25
Panel 26
Panel 27
Panel 28/29
Panel 30
Panel 31
Panel 32
Panel 33
Panel 34
Panel 35
Panel 36
Panel 37
Panel 38
Panel 39
Panel 40
Panel 41
Panel 41a
Panel 42
Panel 43
Panel 44
Panel 45
Panel 46
Panel 47
Panel 48
Panel 49
Panel 50/51
Panel 52
Panel 53
Panel 54
Panel 55
Panel 56
Panel 57
Panel 58
Panel 59
Panel 60
Panel 61/62/63/64
Panel 70
Panel 71
Panel 72
Panel 73
Panel 74
Panel 75
Panel 76
Panel 77
Panel 78
Panel 79