Books, and articles over 100 pages long:

1. Hermann of Carinthia, De essentiis, critical edition, translation and commentary, Leiden, 1982. 385 pp. (reviews in Speculum, 1984, pp. 911–3, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 28, 1985, p. 685, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 20, 1985, pp. 287–90, Deutsches Archiv, 41, 1985, p. 255, Rivista di storia della filosofia, 2, 1984, pp. 349–51, Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 14, 1989, p. 695).

2. ‘A Checklist of the Manuscripts Containing Writings of Peter Abelard and Heloise and Other Works Closely Associated with Abelard and his School’, Revue d’histoire des textes, 14–15, 1984–5, pp. 183–302 (with David Luscombe and Julia Barrow).

3. Pseudo-Bede, De mundi celestis terrestrisque constitutione: A Treatise on the Universe and the Soul, edition, translation and commentary, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 10, London, 1985. 88 pp. (reviews in Isis, 77, 1986, pp. 182–3, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 81, 1986, p. 742, Ambix, 33, 1986, p. 155, Journal of the History of Astronomy, 19, 1988, pp. 62–3, Schedi medievali, 11, 1986, pp. 415–6).

4. Adelard of Bath: An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, London, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 14, London, 1987, 208 pp. (reviews in Nuncius, 3, 1988, pp. 345–7, Annals of Science, 46, 1989, pp. 311–3, Journal of the History of Astronomy, 20, 1989, pp. 138–9, Centaurus, 33, pp. 256–8, English Historical Review, 91, pp. 689–90, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, 41, 1991, pp. 115–7).

5. The Second Sense: Studies in Hearing and Musical Judgement from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century, edited by C. Burnett, M. Fend and P. M. Gouk, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 22, London, 1991. 247 pp. (reviews in Annals of Science, 52, 1995, pp. 303–5, Music and Letters, 96, pp. 102–3, Sudhoffs Archiv, 78, 1994, pp. 244–5, Nuncius, 7, 1992, pp. 225–7, Journal of the Music Library Association, Philadelphia, June 1995, pp. 1297–9).

6. ‘Zadanfarrukh al-Andarzaghar on Anniversary Horoscopes’ (with A. al-Hamdi), Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch–islamischen Wissenschaften, 7, 1991/2, pp. 294–398.

7. Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts: the Syriac, Arabic and Medieval Latin Traditions, ed. C. Burnett, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 23, London, 1993. 192 pp. (reviews in Scriptorium, 1994, pp. 39–40, Nuncius, 8, 1993, pp. 785–6, Al-Qantara, 15, 1994, pp. 526–8).

8. Constantine the African and ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbas al-Maǧūsī: the Pantegni and Related Texts, ed. C. Burnett and D. Jacquart, Leiden, 1994. ix + 364 pp.

9. Abū Ma‘šar, The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, together with the Medieval Latin translation of Adelard of Bath (with Michio Yano and Keiji Yamamoto), Leiden, 1994. 170 pp. (reviews in Medical History, 39, 1995, pp. 396–7, Isis, 87, 1990, p. 541, Sudhoffs Archiv, 80, 1996, pp. 118–9, Speculum, 1996, pp. 384–5, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 26, 1995, pp. 168–70, Gesnerus, 53, 1996, p. 129, Euphrosyne, 24, 1996, pp. 483–4, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch–islamischen Wissenschaften, 10, 1995/6, pp. 347–8).

10–13. Edition of four volumes of collected articles of M.-T. d’Alverny for Variorum reprints: Etudes sur le symbolisme de la Sagesse et sur l'iconographie, 1993, La connaissance de l’Islam dans l’Occident médiéval, 1994, La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au moyen âge, 1994, and Pensée médiévale en Occident, 1995.

14. Al-Kindi, IudiciaThe Two Latin Versions, London, 1993 (privately printed). 200 pp.

15. Jesuit Plays on Japan and English Recusancy (with Masahiro Takenaka), Renaissance Monographs 21, The Renaissance Institute: Tokyo, Sophia University, 1995. 148 pp.

§16. ‘Algorismi vel helcep decentior est diligentia: the Arithmetic of Adelard of Bath and his Circle’, in Mathematische Probleme im Mittelalter: Der lateinische und arabische Sprachbereich, ed. M. Folkerts, Wiesbaden, 1996, pp. 221–331.

17. Magic and Divination in the Middle Ages: Texts and Techniques in the Islamic and Christian Worlds, Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS557, Aldershot, 1996. 382 pp.

18. The Liber Aristotilis of Hugo of Santalla, edited by C. Burnett and D. Pingree, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 26, London, 1997. 299 pp.

19. The Introduction of Arabic Learning into England (The Panizzi Lectures, 1996), London, 1997. 110 pp.

20. Abu Ma‘shar, The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, translated by C. Burnett with historical and technical annotations by C. Burnett, G. Tobyn, G. Cornelius and V. Wells, ARHAT publications, 1997. 58 pp.

21. Hildegard of Bingen: The Context of Her Thought and Art, edited by C. Burnett and P. Dronke, Warburg Institute Colloquia 4, London, 1998. 230 pp.

22. Adelard of Bath, Conversations with His Nephew: On the Same and the DifferentQuestions on Natural Science, and On Birds, edited and translated by Charles Burnett with the Collaboration of Italo Ronca, Pedro Mantas España and Baudouin van den Abeele, Cambridge, 1998. lii + 287 pp.

23. Scientific Weather Forecasting in the Middle Ages: The Writings of Al-Kindi (with Gerrit Bos), London, 2000. 580 pp.

24. Islam and the Italian Renaissance, edited by C. Burnett and A. Contadini, Warburg Institute Colloquia 6, London, 1999. viii + 239 pp.

25. Abū Ma‘šar on Historical AstrologyThe Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions), ed. and transl. K. Yamamoto and C. Burnett, 2 vols, Leiden, 2000. xxviii + 620 pp. and xxxiv + 578 pp.

26. Al-Qabīṣī (Alcabitius): The Introduction to Astrology. Editions of the Arabic and Latin texts, and an English translation, eds C. Burnett, K. Yamamoto and M. Yano, Warburg Institute Studies and Texts 2, 2004. viii + 515 pp.

27. Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, eds C. Burnett, J. P. Hogendijk, K. Plofker, and M. Yano, Leiden, 2004. 890 pp.

28. Abbreviatio Petri Abaelardi Expositionis in Hexameron, ed. C. Burnett, in Petri Abaelardi Opera Theologica V, Turnhout, 2004, pp. 113-50.

29. Britannia Latina: Latin in the Culture of Great Britain from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century, eds C. Burnett and N. Mann, Warburg Institute Colloquia 8, London and Turin 2005. 240 pp.

30. Hebrew Medical Astrology: David Ben Yom Tov, Kelal Qatan, eds G. Bos, C. Burnett and T. Langermann, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 95, part 5, 2005. 130 pp.

31. Hermes Trismegistus, Astrologica et divinatoria, eds G. Bos, C. Burnett, T. Charmasson, P. Kunitzsch, F. Lelli and P. Lucentini, Turnhout 2001. 454 pp.

32. Magic and the Classical Tradition, eds C. Burnett and W. F. Ryan, Warburg Colloquia 7, London and Turin 2006. 237 pp.

33. Scientia in Margine: Études sur les Marginalia dans les manuscrits scientifiques du moyen âge à la Renaissance, eds D. Jacquart and C. Burnett, Geneva 2005. 414 pp.
34. ‘Sefer ha-Middot: a Mid-Twelfth-Century Text on Arithmetic and Geometry Attributed to Abraham Ibn Ezra’, Aleph 6, 2006 (with Tony Lévy), pp. 57-238.

35. Ibn Baklarish’s Book of Simples: Medical Recipes between Three Faiths, ed. Charles Burnett, London 2008. 164 pp.

36. Continuities and Disruptions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, eds Charles Burnett, José Meirinhos and Jacqueline Hamesse, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2008. 181 pp.

37. The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, eds Tetsuro Shimizu and Charles Burnett, Turnhout, 2009. 440 pp.

38. Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009. 420 pp.

39. Raymond de Marseille,Opera omnia: Traité d’astrolabe, Liber cursuum planetarum, eds M.-T. d’Alverny (†), C. Burnett and E. Poulle, Paris, 2009. 402 pp.

40. Ancient and Medieval Alchemy, eds Charles Burnett and Bink Hallum, Ambix 56, March, 2009, 83 pp

41. The Winding Courses of the Stars: Essays in Ancient Astrology, eds. Charles Burnett and Dorian Giesler Greenbaum, Culture and Cosmos, vol. 11, nos 1 and 2, 2007. 311 pp.

42. Astro-Medicine: Astrology and Medicine, East and West, eds Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Florence, 2008. 289 pp.

43. Numerals and Arithmetic in the Middle Ages, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham, 2010. 380 pp.

44. Islam and Tibet: Interactions along the Musk Routes, eds Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Farnham, 2011( xiv + 391 pp.

45. Rashīd al-Dīn, Agent and Mediator of Cultural Exchanges in Ilkhanid Iran, Warburg Institute Colloquia 24 (with Anna Akasoy and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim), London: Warburg Institute and Nino Aragno, 2013. xiv + 260 pp.

46. Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in the Jewish Tradition, ed. Sacha Stern and Charles Burnett, Leiden and Boston, 2014. xi + 365 pp.

47. Charles Burnett and Pedro Mantas, Mapping Knowledge: Cross-Pollination in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Arabica Veritas, vol. 1, Cordoba, 2014. x + 291 pp.

48. Medieval Arabic ThoughtEssays in Honour of Fritz Zimmermann, ed. Rotraud Hansberger, M. Afifi al-Akiti and Charles Burnett, Warburg Institute Studies and Texts 4, London and Turin, 2012. viii + 247 pp.

49. Greek into Latin from Antiquity until the Nineteenth Century, eds John Glucker and Charles Burnett, Warburg Institute Colloquia 18, London and Turin, 2012. xiii + 226 pp.

50. From Māshā’allāh to Kepler: Theory and Practice in Medieval and Renaissance Astrology, eds. C. Burnett and D. G. Greenbaum, Ceredigion, 2015. xix + 527 pp.

51. Textes médiévaux de scapulomancie. Édition de Stefano Rapisarda, avec la collaboration de Charles Burnett. Traduction de Benoît Grévin, Marco Miano et Stéphanie Vlavianos, Paris, 2017. 254 pp.

51a. Maimonides’ On Coitus. Arabic ed. Gerrit Bos, Latin versions ed. Charles Burnett (pp. 97-125), Slavonic ed. Will Ryan and Moshe Taube, Leiden, 2018.  208 pp.

52. Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange 1000-1800 CE, edited by Patrick Manning and Abigail Owen with a foreword by Charles Burnett, Pittsburgh, 2018. 437 pp.

52a. Astrolabes in Medieval Cultures, eds J. Rodriguez-Arribas, C. Burnett, S. Ackermann and R. Szpiech, Leiden, 2019.

53. The Great Introduction to Astrology by Abū Maʿšar, edited by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett, with an edition of the Greek version by David Pingree, 2 vols, Leiden: Brill, 2019. xiv + 947 pp. and viii + 466 pp.

Articles and pamphlets arranged thematically, and in chronological order within each topic:

The Arabic–Latin Translators 

54. ‘A Group of Arabic-Latin Translators Working in Northern Spain in the mid–twelfth Century’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, year 1977, pp. 62–108.

55. ‘Arabic into Latin in Twelfth-Century Spain: the Works of Hermann of Carinthia’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 13, 1978, pp. 100–34.

56. ‘Some Comments on the Translating of Works from Arabic into Latin in the Mid-Twelfth Century’, in Orientalische Kultur und europäisches Mittelalter, ed. A. Zimmerman, Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 17, Berlin, 1985, pp. 161–71.

57. ‘Literal Translation and Intelligent Adaptation amongst the Arabic-Latin Translators of the First Half of the Twelfth Century’, in La diffusione delle scienze islamiche nel Medio Evo Europeo, ed. B.-M. Scarcia Amoretti, Rome, 1987, pp. 9–28.

58. ‘Plato of Tivoli’ and ‘Translations: Western European’, in Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. J. Strayer, IX, New York, 1987, pp. 704–5 and 12, 1989, pp. 136–42.

59. ‘Hermann of Carinthia’, in A History of Twelfth-century Western Philosophy, ed. P. Dronke, Cambridge, 1988, pp. 386–406.

‡60. ‘Michael Scot and the Transmission of Scientific Culture from Toledo to Bologna via the Court of Frederick II Hohenstaufen’, Micrologus, 2, 1994, pp. 101–26. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article VIII.

61. ‘Magister Iohannes Hispanus: towards the Identity of a Toledan Translator’, in Comprendre et maîtriser la nature au moyen âge, mélanges d’histoire des sciences offerts à Guy Beaujouan, Geneva, 1994, pp. 425–36.

62. ‘The Institutional Context of Arabic-Latin Translations of the Middle Ages: A Reassessment of the ‘School of Toledo’’, in Vocabulary of Teaching and Research between the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. O. Weijers, CIVICIMA, Etudes sur le vocabulaire intellectuel du moyen âge, 8, Turnhout 1995, pp. 214–35.

‡63. ‘Master Theodore, Frederick II’s Philosopher’, in Federico II e le nuove culture, Atti del XXXI Convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 9–12 ottobre 1994, Spoleto, 1995, pp. 225–85. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article IX.

‡64. ‘‘Magister Iohannes Hispalensis et Limiensis’ and Qusta ibn Luqa’s De differentia spiritus et animae: a Portuguese Contribution to the Arts Curriculum?’ Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 7–8 ( Porto, 1995), pp. 221–67. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article V.

65. ‘The Works of Petrus Alfonsi: Questions of Authenticity’, Medium Ævum, 66, 1997, pp. 42–79 (Spanish version: ‘Las obras de Pedro Alfonso: Problemas de autenticidad’, in Estudios sobre Pedro Alfonso de Huesca, ed. M. J. Lacarra, Huesca, 1996, pp. 313–48).

66. ‘Translating from Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: Theory, Practice, and Criticism’, in Éditer, traduire, interpreter: essais de methodologie philosophique, eds S. G. Lofts and P. W. Rosemann, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997, pp. 55–78.

67. ‘Tolède: le réveil des Latins’, Les Cahiers de science et vie, February, 1998.

68. ‘The Second Revelation of Arabic Philosophy and Science’, in Islam and the Italian RenaissanceIslam and the Italian Renaissance, edited by C. Burnett and A. Contadini, Warburg Institute Colloquia 6, London, 1999, pp. 185–98.

69. ‘Dialectic and Mathematics according to Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf: A Model for Gerard of Cremona’s Programme of Translation and Teaching?’ in Langage, sciences, philosophie au xiie siècle, ed. J. Biard, Sic et Non, Paris, 1999, pp. 83–92.

70. ‘Learned Knowledge of Arabic Poetry, Rhymed Prose, and Didactic Verse from Petrus Alfonsi to Petrarch’, in Poetry and Philosophy in the Middle Ages. A Festschrift for Peter Dronke, ed. J. A. Marenbon, Leiden, 2000, pp. 29–62.

‡71. ‘Antioch as a Link between Arabic and Latin Culture in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries’, in Occident et Proche-Orient: contacts scientifiques au temps des croisades, ed. A. Tihon, I. Draelants, and B. van den Abeele, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2000, pp. 1–78. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article IV.

‡72. ‘The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Century’, Science in Context, 14, 2001, 249-88 (a revision of The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Programme in Toledo in the Twelfth Century, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint 78, 1997, 34 pp.). Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article VII.

73. ‘Revision in the Arabic-Latin Translations from Toledo: The Case of Abu Ma‘shar’s On the Great Conjunctions’, in Les traducteurs au travail: leurs manuscrits et leurs méthodes, ed. J. Hamesse (Louvain-la-Neuve : FIDEM, 2001), pp. 51-113, 529–40.

‡74. ‘John of Seville and John of Spain: a mise au point’, Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 44, 2002, pp. 59–78. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article VI.

75. ‘The Translation of Arabic Science into Latin: A Case of Alienation of Intellectual Property?’ Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Amman), 4, 2002, pp. 145-57.

76. ‘John of Seville’, ‘Picatrix’, ‘Hugo of Santalla’ and ‘Scientific and Philosophical Translations’ for Encyclopedia of Medieval Iberia, ed. M. Gerli, London, 2003.

77. ‘The Transmission of Arabic Astronomy via Antioch and Pisa in the Second Quarter of the Twelfth Century’, in The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives, eds J. P. Hogendijk and A. I. Sabra, Cambridge, Ma. 2003, pp. 23–51.

78. ‘Myth and Astronomy in the Frescoes at Sant’Abbondio in Cremona’ (with Marika Leino), Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 66, 2003, pp. 273–88.

79. ‘The Translation of Arabic Works on Logic into Latin in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance’, in Handbook for the History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. I, eds D. M. Gabbay and J. Woods, Amsterdam etc., 2004, pp. 597–606.

80. Articles in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, 2004, on ‘Adelard of Bath’, ‘Alfred of Shareshill’, ‘Daniel of Morley’, ‘Petrus Alfonsi’, ‘Robert of Chester’, ‘Roger of Hereford’.

81. ‘The Decline of Poetry in the Translations from Arabic and Greek into Latin in the Twelfth Century’, in Poesía Latina Medieval (siglos V-XV). Actas del IV Congreso del “Internationales Mittellateinerkomitee”, Santiago de Compostela, 12-15 de septiembre de 2002, eds Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz and José M.  Díaz de Bustamante, Florence, 2005, pp. 1069–75.

82. ‘Arabic into Latin: The Reception of Arabic Philosophy into Western Europe’, in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, eds Peter Adamson and Richard Taylor, Cambridge, 2005, pp. 370–404.

83. ‘Humanism and Orientalism in the Translations from Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages’, in Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter, eds. A. Speer and L. Wegener, Miscellanea Mediaevalia 33, Berlin and New York, 2006, pp. 22–31.

84. ‘Stephen, the Disciple of Philosophy, and the Exchange of Medical Learning in Antioch’, Crusades, 5, 2006, pp. 113–29.

85. ‘The “Translation” of Diagrams and Illustrations from Arabic into Latin’, in Arab Painting: Text and Image in Illustrated Arabic Manuscripts, ed. Anna Contadini, Leiden and Boston 2007, pp. 161–76.

86. ‘Translation from Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages’ and ‘Aristotle in Translation in Medieval Europe’, in Übersetzung—Translation—Traduction, eds Harald Kittel et al., Berlin and New York 2007, pp. 1231–1237 and 1308–1310.

87. Articles on ‘Abū Ma‘shar’, ‘Adelard of Bath’, ‘Alfonso X the Wise’, and ‘Arabic Astrology’ for Encyclopedia of Islam, 3, 2008.

88. ‘Arabic Philosophical Works Translated into Latin’, in The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, ed. R. Pasnau, Cambridge, 2010, pp. 814–822 (a revised version of the table accompanying ‘Arabic into Latin: the reception of Arabic philosophy into Western Europe’ in The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy...)

89. Contributions to Transmission of Sciences: Greek, Syriac, Arabic and Latin, eds H. Kobayashi and M. Kato, Tokyo, 2010.

90. ‘Manuscripts of Latin Translations of Scientific Texts from Arabic’, Digital Proceedings of the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, Volume 1, Issue 1 2009 Article 1. Reprinted 98 below.

91. ‘Communities of Learning in Twelfth-Century Toledo’, in Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping of Intellectual Identity in Europe, 110-1500, Turnhout, 2011, pp. 9-18.

92. ‘Translation and Transmission of Greek and Islamic Science to Latin Christendom’, in The Cambridge History of Science, vol. 2, Medieval Science, eds D. C. Lindberg and M. H. Shank, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 341-64.

93. ‘Plato Amongst the Arabic-Latin Translators of the Twelfth Century’, in Il Timeo, Esegesi greche, arabe, latine, ed. Francesco Celia and Angela Ulacco, Greco, Arabo, Latino, Le vie del sapere, Studi, Pisa, 2012, pp. 269-306.

94. ‘Revisiting the 1552–1550 and 1562 Aristotle-Averroes Editions’, in A. Akasoy and G. Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, International Archives of the History of Ideas, 211, Berlin, 2013.

95. ‘Translations and Transmission of Greek and Islamic Science to Latin Christendom’, Cambridge History of Science, Cambridge, 2013, vol. 2, ed. David Lindberg and Michael Shanks, pp. 341-64.

96. ‘The Transmission of Science and Philosophy’, in The Cambridge World History, vol. 5, eds B. Z. Kedar and M. Wiesner-Hanks (Cambridge, 2015), pp. 339-58.

97. ‘Scientific Translations from Arabic: The Question of Revision’, in Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2008), pp. 11-35.

98. ‘Manuscripts of Latin Translations of Scientific Texts from Arabic’, in Taxonomies of Knowledge: Information and Order in Medieval Manuscripts, eds Emily Steiner and Lynn Ransom, Philadelphia, 2015, pp. 80-89.

99. ‘A Mid-Seventeenth-Century View of the History of Arabic Scholarship in England. Gerard Langbaine’s Notes under the Acending Node’, Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, 51, 585-605.

100. ‘The Introduction of Arabic Words in Medieval British Latin Scientific Writings’, in Lat in Medieval Britain, eds Richard Ashdowne and Carolinne White, Oxford, 2017, pp. 198-210.

Natural Science and Philosophy

101. ‘Scientific Speculations’ in A History of Twelfth-century Western Philosophy, ed. P. Dronke, Cambridge, 1988, pp. 151–76.

102. ‘Innovations in the Classification of the Sciences in the Twelfth Century’, in Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy, ed. S. Knuuttila et al., Helsinki, 1990, II, pp. 25–42.

103. ‘Aristotle and Averroes on Method in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: The "Oxford Gloss" to the Physics and Pietro d’Afeltro’s Expositio Proemii Averroys’, in Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature, ed. D. A. Di Liscia, E. Kessler and C. Methuen, Aldershot, 1997, pp. 53–111.

104. ‘The Latin and Arabic Influences on the Vocabulary Concerning Demonstrative Argument in the Versions of Euclid’s Elements Associated with Adelard of Bath’, in Aux origines du lexique philosophique européen, ed. J. Hamesse, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997, pp. 175–201.

105. ‘Petrarch and Averroes: An Episode in the History of Poetics’, in The Medieval Mind: Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond, eds I. Macpherson and R. Penny, London, 1997, pp. 49–56.

106. ‘Encounters with Razi the Philosopher: Constantine the African, Petrus Alfonsi et Ramon Martí’, in Pensamiento hispano medieval: Homenaje a Horacio Santiago–Otero, ed. J.–M. Soto Rábanos, Madrid, 1998, pp. 973–92.

107. ‘The “Sons of Averroes with the Emperor Frederick” and the Transmission of the Philosophical Works by Ibn Rushd’, in Averroes and the Aristotelian Tradition: Sources, Constitution and Reception of the Philosophy of Ibn Rushd (1126–1198), ed. G. Endress and J. A. Aertsen with the assistance of K. Braun, Leiden, 1999, pp. 259–99.

108. ‘A Note on The Origins of the Physica Vaticana and Metaphysica media, in Tradition et traduction: les textes philosophiques et scientifiques grecs au moyen âge latin. Hommage à Fernand Bossier, ed. R. Beyers et al., Leuven, 1999, pp. 59–69.

109. ‘Al-Kindī in the Renaissance’, in Sapientiam amemus: Humanismus und Aristotelismus in der Renaissance. Festschrift für Eckhard Keßler zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. P. R. Blum, Munich, 1999, pp. 13–30.

110. (with M. Zonta), ‘Abū Muḥammad ‘Abdallāh ibn Rushd (Averroes junior), On Whether the Active Intellect Unites with the Material Intellect whilst it is Clothed with the Body: A Critical Edition of the Three Extant Medieval Versions, together with an English Translation’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 67, 2000, pp. 295–335.

111. ‘The Two Faces of Averroes in the Renaissance’, in Al-Ufq al-kawni li-fiqr Ibn Rushd, Proceedings of a conference held in Marrakesh, 12-15 December, 1998, ed. M. Masbahi, Marrakesh, 2001, pp. 87–94.

‡112. ‘Physics before the Physics: Early Translations from Arabic of Texts concerning Nature in MSS British Library, Additional 22719 and Cotton Galba E IV’, in Medioevo, 27, 2002, pp. 53–109. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article II.

113. ‘Filosofía natural, secretos y magia’, in Historia de la ciencia y de la técnica en la Corona de Castilla, ed. L. García Ballester, Salamanca, 2002, pp. 95–144.

114. ‘The Blend of Latin and Arabic Sources in the Metaphysics of Adelard of Bath, Hermann of Carinthia, and Gundisalvus’, in Metaphysics in the Twelfth Century: On the Relationship among Philosophy, Science and Theology, eds M. Lutz-Bachmann, A. Fidora and A. Niederberger, Turnhout, 2004, pp. 41–65.

115. ‘Does the Sea Breathe, Boil or Bloat? A Textual Problem in Abū Ma‘shar’s Explanation of Tides’, in Mélanges offerts a Hossam Elkhadem par ses amis et ses élèves, ed. Frank Daelemans et al., Bruxelles, 2007, pp. 73–9.

116. Experimentum and Ratio in the Salernitan Summa de saporibus et odoribus’, in Expertus sum, l’expérience par les sens dans la philosophie naturelle médiévale, eds Thomas Bénatouïl and Isabelle Draelants, Micrologus’ Library 40, Florence, 2011, pp. 337-58.

117. ‘The Five Senses in Ramon Llull’s Liber contemplationis in deum’, in Gottes Schau und Weltbetrachtung: Interpretationen zum “Liber Contemplationis” des Raimundus Luluus, ed. Fernando Domínguez Reboiras, Viola Tenge-Wolf, and Peter Walter, Subsidia Lulliana 4, Tournhout, pp. 181-208.

118. ‘Coniunctio-Continuatio’, Mots médiévaux offerts a Ruedi Imbach, ed. I. Atucha et al., Porto 2011, pp. 185-98.

119. ‘Two Approaches to Natural Science in Toledo of the Twelfth Century’ in Christlicher Norden—Muslimischer Süden, ed. Matthias M. Tischler and Alexander Fidora, Frankfurt, 2011, pp. 69-80.

120. ‘Illustrations and Diagrams in Arabic and Latin Scientific Works’, in Proceedings of the Symposium for International Comparative Study on Illustrated Books of Fortunetelling, Tokyo, 2012, pp. 5-11.

121 ‘Le Picatrix à l’Institut Warburg: Histoire d’une recherche et d’une publication’, in Images et magie: Picatrix entre Orient et Occident, eds Jean-Patrice Boudet, Anna Caiozzo and Nicolas Weill-Parot (Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2011), pp. 25-38.

122. ‘Reading the Sciences’, in The European Book in the Twelfth Century, eds Erik Kwakkel and Rodney Thomson, Cambridge, 2018, pp. 259-76.

Arithmetic and Geometry

(articles included in Numerals and Arithmetic in the Middle Ages, are marked with §)

§123. ‘Why We Read Arabic Numerals Backwards’, in Ancient and Medieval Traditions in the Exact Sciences, Essays in Memory of Wilbur Knorr, Stanford, Ca., 2000, pp. 197–202.

§124. ‘Latin Alphanumerical Notation and Annotation in Italian in the Twelfth Century: MS London, British Library, Harley 5402’, in Sic itur ad astra: Festschrift f. Paul Kunitzsch zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. M. Folkerts and R. Lorch, Wiesbaden, 2000, pp. 79–90.

§125. ‘The Abacus at Echternach in ca. 1000 A.D.’ in Sciamus, 3, 2002, pp. 1-3 and pp. 91–108.

§126. Learning Indian Arithmetic in the Early Thirteenth Century’, in Boletín de la Asociación Matemática Venezolana, 9, 2002, pp. 15–26.

§127. ‘Indian Numerals in the Mediterranean Basin in the Twelfth Century, with Special Reference to the “Eastern Forms”’, in From China to Paris: 2000 Years’ Transmission of Mathematical Ideas, eds Y. Dold-Samplonius, J. W. Dauben, M. Folkerts and B. van Dalen, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2002, pp. 237–88.

128. ‘Euclid and al-Farabi in MS Vatican, Reg. Lat. 1268’, in Words, Texts and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 139, eds R. Arnzen and J. Thielmann, Leuven, Paris and Dudley, MA, 2004, pp. 411–36.

§129. ‘Abbon de Fleury, abaci doctor’, in Oriens—Occidens, 6, 2004: Abbon de Fleury: Philosophie, science et comput autour de l’an mil, ed. Barbara Obrist, pp. 129–39.

§130. ‘Fibonacci’s “Method of the Indians”’ in Bollettino di Storia delle scienze matematiche, year 23, 2003 [published 2005], pp. 87–97.

§131. ‘The Use of Arabic Numerals among the Three Language Cultures of Norman Sicily’, in Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotehca Hertziana, 35, 2003-2004 [published 2005], pp. 39–48.

132. ‘The Semantics of Indian Numerals in Arabic, Greek and Latin’, Journal of Indian Philosophy, 34 (2006), pp. 15–30.

§133. ‘The Toledan Regule (Liber Alchorismi, Part II): A Twelfth-Century Arithmetical Miscellany’, Sciamus, 8, 2007, pp. 141–231 (with Ji-Wei Zhao and Kurt Lampe).

134. Learning to Write Numerals in the Middle Ages’ in Pamela Robinson (ed.), Teaching Writing, Learning to Write: Proceedings of the XVIth Colloquium of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine, London, 2010, pp. 233-40.

135. ‘The Geometry of the Liber Ysagogarum Alchorismi’, Sudhoffs Archiv, 97, 2013, pp. 143-73.

Astronomy and Astrology

136. ‘A New Source for Dominicus Gundissalinus’s Account of the Science of the Stars?’ Annals of Science, 47, 1990, pp. 361–74.

137. ‘Al-Kindī on Judicial Astrology: “The Forty Chapters”’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 3, 1993, pp. 77–117.

138. ‘Advertising the New Science of the Stars circa 1120–50’, in Le XIIe siècle, ed. F. Gasparri, Paris, 1994, pp. 147–57.

139. ‘Astrology’ in Medieval Latin Studies: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, eds F. A. C. Mantello and A. G. Rigg, Washington DC, 1996, pp. 369–82.

140. ‘Imperium, Ecclesia Romana and the Last Days in William Scot’s Astrological Prophecy of ca. 1266–73’, in Forschungen zur Reichs-, Papst- und Landesgeschichte: Peter Herde zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. K. Borchardt and E. Bünz, 2 vols, Stuttgart, 1998, I, pp. 347–60.

141. ‘Hildegard of Bingen and the Science of the Stars’, in Hildegard of Bingen: The Context of Her Thought and Art, edited by C. Burnett and P. Dronke, Warburg Insitute Colloquia 4, London, 1998, pp. 111–20.

‡142. ‘King Ptolemy and Alchandreus the Philosopher: The Earliest Texts on the Astrolabe and Arabic Astrology at Fleury, Micy and Chartres’, Annales of Science, 55, 1998, pp. 329–68 (Addendum, ibid., 57, 2000, p. 187). Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article I.

143. ‘The Sortes regis Amalrici: An Arabic Divinatory Work in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem?’ Scripta Mediterranea, 19–20, 1998–9, pp. 229–37.

144. ‘Partim de suo et partim de alieno: Bartholomew of Parma, the Astrological Texts in MS Bernkastel–Kues, Hospitalsbibliothek 209, and Michael Scot’, in Seventh Centenary of the Teaching of Astronomy in Bologna 1297-1997, eds P. Battistini et al., Bologna, 2001, pp.38–76.

145. ‘Bartholomeus Parmensis, Tractatus spere, pars tercia’, in Seventh Centenary of the Teaching of Astronomy in Bologna 1297-1997, eds P. Battistini et al., Bologna, 2001, pp. 151–212.

146. ‘The Certitude of Astrology: The Scientific Methodology of al-Qabīṣī and Abū Ma‘shar’, in Early Science and Medicine, 7, 2002, pp. 198–213.

147. ‘Lunar Astrology. The Varieties of Texts Using Lunar Mansions, With Emphasis on Jafar Indus’, Micrologus, 12, 2004, pp. 43–133, 7 figures.

148. ‘“Albumasar in Sadan” in the Twelfth Century’, in Ratio et Superstitio: Essays in Honor of Graziella Federici Vescovini’, eds G. Marchetti, O. Rignani and V. Sorge, Louvain-le-Neuve, 2003, pp. 59–67.

149. ‘Arabic and Latin Astrology Compared in the Twelfth Century: Firmicus, Adelard of Bath and ‘Doctor Elmirethi’ (‘Aristoteles Milesius’)’, in Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, eds C. Burnett, J. P. Hogendijk, K. Plofker, and M. Yano, Leiden, 2004, pp. pp. 247–63.

150. ‘Weather Forecasting in the Arabic World’, in Magic and Divination in Early Islam, ed. Emilie Savage-Smith, Aldershot, 2004, pp. 201–10.

151. ‘A Hermetic Programme of Astrology and Divination in mid-Twelfth-Century Aragon: The Hidden Preface in the Liber novem iudicum’, in Magic and the Classical Tradition, eds C. Burnett and W. Ryan, London and Turin, 2006, pp. 99–118.

152. ‘The Astrological Categorization of Religions in Abū Ma‘shar, the De vetula and Roger Bacon’, in Language of Religion—Language of the People. Medieval Judaism, Christianity and Islam, eds. E Bremer et al. Munich, 2006, pp.127–38.

153. Entries in The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Thomas Hockey, New York, 2007 (entries on Adelard of Bath, Petrus Alfonsi, Raymond of Marseilles, Roger of Hereford).

154. ‘Astrology, Astronomy and Magic as the Motivation for the Scientific Renaissance of the Twelfth Century’, in The Imaginal Cosmos, ed. Angela Voss and Jean Hinson Lall, Canterbury, 2007, pp. 55–61.

155. Contribution to The Medieval Imagination: Illuminated Manuscripts from Cambridge, Australia and New Zealand, eds Bronwyn Stocks and Nigel Morgan, Melbourne 2008 (see pp. 214–7).

156. ‘Why Study Ptolemy’s Almagest? The Evidence of MS Melbourne, State Library of Victoria, Sinclair 224’, The La Trobe Journal, 81, Autumn 2008, pp. 126–43.

157. ‘Weather Forecasting, Lunar Mansions and a Disputed Attribution: the Tractatus pluviarum et aeris mutationis and Epitome totius astrologiae of “Iohannes Hispalensis”’, in Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages: Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber, eds Anna Akasoy and Wim Raven, Leiden and Boston, 2008, pp. 219–265.

158. ‘Postscript’ to reprint of J.M. Millás Vallicrosa, ‘Pedro Alfonso’ Contribution to Astronomy’, Aleph, 10 (2010), pp. 166–8.

159. ‘Hebrew and Latin Astrology in the Twelfth Century: the Example of the Location of Pain’, in L. Kassell and R. Ralley, eds., Stars, Spirits, Signs: Astrology 1100-1800. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 41. 2, June 2010, pp. 70–75.

160. ‘Ptolemaeus in Almagesto dixit’: The Transformation of Ptolemy’s Almagest in its Transmission via Arabic into Latin’, in Transformationen antiker Wissenschaften, eds G. Toepfer and H. Böhme, Berlin and New York, 2010, pp. 115–40.

161. Entries on ‘Arabic astrology’ and ‘Abu Ma‘shar’ for the New Encyclopedia of Islam.

162. ‘Aristotle as an Authority on Judicial Astrology’, in Florilegium Mediaevale, Études offertes à Jacqueline Hamesse à l’occasion de son éméritat, eds J. Meirinhos and O. Weijers, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009, pp. 41-62.

163. ‘Abū Ma‘shar (AD 787-886) and His Major Texts on Astrology’, in Kayd: Studies in History of Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology in Memory of David Pingree, eds Gherardo Gnoli and Antonio Panaino, Serie orientale Roma, Rome, 2009, pp. 17-29.

164. ‘Al-Qabīṣī’s Introduction to Astrology: From Courtly Entertainment to University Textbook’, in Studies in the History of Culture and Science: A Tribute to Gad Freudenthal, ed. R. Fontaine, et al., Leiden, 2011, pp. 43-69.

165. ‘De meliore homine. ‘Umar ibn al-Farrukhān al-Ṭabarī on Interrogations: A Fourth Translation by Salio of Padua?’ in Adorare caelestia, gubernare terrena: Atti del colloquio internazionale in onore di Paolo Lucentini (Napoli, 6-7 Novembre 2007), eds Pasquale Arfé, Irene Caiazzo, and Antonella Sannino, Turnhout, 2011, pp. 295-325.

166. Entries on Albumazar, De magnis coniunctionibus, in Early Medicine, from Body to the Stars, ed. G. d’Andiran, Cologny, 2010, p. 455.

167. ‘Doctors versus Astrologers: Medical and Astrological Prognosis Compared’, in Die mantischen Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter, ed. A. Fidora, Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2013, pp. 101-111.

168. ‘Teaching the Science of the Stars in Prague University in the Early Fifteenth Century: Master Johannes Borotin’, Aither, 2nd International Issue, Prague, 2014, pp. 9-50.

169. ‘John of Gmunden’s Astrological Library’, in Johannes von Gmunden –zwischen Astronomie und Astrologie, eds R. Simek and M. Klein, Vienna, 2012, pp. 55-71.

170. Astrological Translations in Byzantium, Le Symposium International Le livre. La Roumanie. L’Europe, Dordrecht, 2013, pp. 128-33.

171. ‘New Testimonies for the Text of Raymond of Marseilles’ On the astrolabe’ (with Irene Caiazzo), Scriptorium 65, 2011, pp. 338-49.

172. ‘Stephen of Messina and the Translation of Astrological Texts from Greek in the Time of Manfred’, Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily, ed. Pieter DeLeemans, Leuven, 2014, pp. 123-32.

173. ‘Introducing Astrology: Michael Scot’s Liber introductorius and Other Introductions’, in Astrologers and their Clients in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds Wiebke Deimann and David Juste, Cologne etc. 2015, pp. 17-27.

174. ‘On Judging and Doing in Arabic and Latin Texts on Astrology and Divination’, in The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia, Micrologus 24, Florence, 2016, pp. 3-11.

175. ‘A New Catalogue of Medieval Translations into Latin of Texts on Astronomy and Astrology’, in Medieval Textual Cultures: Agents of Transmission, Translation and Transformation, eds Faith Wallis and Robert Wisnovsky, Berlin, pp. 63-76.

176. Harmonic and Acoustic Theory: Latin and Arabic Ideas of Sympathetic Vibration as the Causes of Effects between Heaven and Earth’, in Sing Aloud Harmonious Spheres: Renaissance Conceptions of Cosmic Harmony, eds Jacomien Prins and Maude Vanhaelen, New York and London, 2018, pp.31-43.

177. ‘Agency and Effect in the Astrology of Abū Maʿshar of Balkh (Albumasar)’, Oriens, 41 (2019): 1-17.

Medicine and Psychology

178. ‘The Superiority of Taste’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 54, 1991, pp. 230–8.

179. ‘The Chapter on the Spirits in the Pantegni of Constantine the African’, in Constantine the African and ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related Texts, ed. C. Burnett and D. Jacquart, Leiden, 1994, pp. 99–120.

180. ‘Appendix: Constantine the African, De oblivione’, in Constantine the African and ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Maǧūsī: The Pantegni and Related Texts, ed. C. Burnett and D. Jacquart, Leiden, 1994, pp. 224–32.

181. ‘Hermann of Carinthia’s Attitude Towards his Arabic Sources, in Particular in Respect to Theories of the Human Soul’, in L’Homme et son univers au moyen âge, ed. C. Wenin, Philosophes médiévals, 26, Louvain, 1985, I, pp. 306–22.

182. ‘The Planets and the Development of the Embryo’, in The Human Embryo: Aristotle and the Arabic and European Traditions, ed. G. R. Dunstan, Exeter, 1990, pp. 95–112.

183. ‘Astrology and Medicine in the Middle Ages’, Bulletin of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, 37, 1985, pp. 16–18.

184. Sapores sunt octo: The Medieval Latin Terminology for the Eight Flavours’, Micrologus, 10, 2002, pp. 99-112.

185. ‘Verba Ypocratis preponderanda omnium generum metallis. Hippocrates on the Nature of Man in Salerno and Montecassino, with an Edition of the Chapter on the Elements in the Pantegni’, in La Scuola Medica Salernitana: Gli autori e i testi, eds Danielle Jacquart and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Florence, 2007, pp. 59–92.

186. ‘The Latin Versions of Maimonides’ On Sexual Intercourse (De coitu)’, in Between Text and Patient: The Medical Enterprise in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds Florence Eliza Glaze and Brian K. Nance, Micrologus’ Library, 39, 2011, pp. 467-80.

187. ‘Simon of Genoa’s Use of the Breviarium of Stephen, the Disciple of Philosophy’, in Simon of Genoa’s Medical Lexicon, ed. Barbara Zipser, Versita, 2013, pp. 67-78.

188. ‘The Legend of Constantine the African’, in The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars, Micrologus 21 (2013), pp. 277-94.

189. ‘The Synonyma Literature in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries’, in Globalization of Knowledge in the Post-Antique Mediterranean, 700-1500, London and New York, 2016, pp. 131-9.

190.  ‘Preface’ in Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World, eds Costanza Gislon Dopfel, Alessandra Foscati, and Charles Burnett, Turnhout: Brepols, 2019, pp. xi-xii.

Magic and Divination

(articles included in Magic and Divination, no. 17 above, are marked with an asterisk)

*191. ‘The Legend of the Three Hermes and Abū Ma‘shar’s Kitāb al-Ulūf in the Latin Middle Ages’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 39, 1976, pp. 231–4.

*192. ‘What is the Experimentarius of Bernardus Silvestris? A Preliminary Survey of the Material’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 44, 1977, pp. 62–108.

*193. ‘Hermann of Carinthia and the Kitāb al-Istamāṭīs: further evidence for the transmission of Hermetic magic’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 44, 1981, pp. 167–9.

*194. ‘Scandinavian Runes Associated with a Latin Magical Treatise’, Speculum, 58, 1983, pp. 419–29.

*195. ‘Arabic Divinatory Texts and Celtic Folklore: A Comment on the Theory and Practice of Scapulimancy in Western Europe’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, 6, 1983, pp. 31–42.

*196. ‘An Apocryphal Letter from the Arabic Philosopher al-Kindī to Theodore, Frederick II’s Astrologer, concerning Gog and Magog, the Enclosed Nations and the Scourge of the Mongols’, Viator, 15, 1984, pp. 151–67.

*197. ‘Arabic, Greek and Latin Works on Astrological Magic attributed to Aristotle’, in Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages, eds Jill Kraye, W. F. Ryan and C. B. Schmitt, London, 1986, pp. 84–96.

*198. ‘Adelard, Ergaphalau and the Science of the Stars’, in Adelard of Bath: An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, ed. C. Burnett, London, 1987, pp. 133–45.

*199. ‘The kitāb al-Istamāṭīs and a Barcelona manuscript of astrological and astronomical works’. (Catalan version: ‘El kitab al-Istamatis i un manuscrit Barceloní d’obres astrològiques i astronòmiques’, Lengua i literatura, 2, 1987, pp. 431–51).

*200. ‘The Earliest Chiromancy in the West’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50, 1987, pp. 189–95.

*201. ‘The Eadwine Psalter and the Western Tradition of the Onomancy in Pseudo-Aristotle’s Secret of Secrets’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 55, 1988, pp. 143–67.

*202. ‘A Note on Two Fortune-Telling Tables’, Revue d’histoire des textes, 18, 1988, pp. 257–62.

*203. ‘Divination from Sheep’s Shoulder Blades: A Reflection on Andalusian Society’, Cultures in Contact in Medieval Spain: Historical and Literary Essays Presented to L. P. Harvey, ed. D. Hook and B. Taylor, 1990, pp. 29–45.

*204. ‘The Translating Activity in Medieval Spain’, in The Legacy of Muslim Spain, ed. S. K. Jayyusi, Handbuch der Orientalistik, 12, Leiden, 1992, pp.1036–58.

*205. ‘The Astrologer’s Assay of the Alchemist: Early References to Alchemy in Arabic and Latin Texts’, Ambix, 39, 1992, pp.103–9.

206. ‘The Prognostications of the Eadwine Psalter’, in The Eadwine Psalter, eds M. Gibson, T. A. Heslop and R. W. Pfaff, London and New York, 1992, pp. 165–7.

207. ‘An Unknown Latin Version of an Ancient Parapegma: The Weather-Forecasting Stars in the Iudicia of Pseudo-Ptolemy’, in Making Instruments Count: Essays on Historical Scientific Instruments presented to Gerard L’Estrange Turner, ed. R. G. W. Anderson et al., Aldershot, 1993, pp. 27–41.

*208. ‘An Islamic Divinatory Technique in Medieval Spain’, The Arabs in Medieval Europe, ed. D. A. Agius and R. Hitchcock, Reading, 1994, pp. 100–35.

*209. ‘The Scapulimancy of Giorgio Anselmi’s Divinum opus de magia disciplina’, Euphrosyne, 23, 1995, pp. 63–81.

*210. ‘Talismans: Magic as Science? Necromancy among the Seven Liberal Arts’ (only in Magic and Divination).

*211. ‘The Conte de Sarzana Magical Manuscript’ (only in Magic and Divination).

212. (with Keiji Yamamoto and Michio Yano), ‘Al-Kindī on Finding Buried Treasure’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 7, 1997, pp. 57–90.

213. ‘The Establishment of Medieval Hermeticism’, in The Medieval World, eds. P. Linehan and J. L. Nelson, London and New York, 2001, pp. 111–30.

214. ‘Remarques paléographiques et philologiques sur les noms d’anges et d’esprits dans les traités de magie traduits de l’arabe en latin’, in Les anges et la magie au moyen âge: actes de la table ronde de Nanterre (8-9 décembre 2000), eds J.-P. Boudet, H. Bresc and B. Grévin, = Melanges de l’Ecole française de Rome, 2002, pp. 657–68.

215. ‘The Arabic Hermes in the Works of Adelard of Bath’, in Hermetism from Late Antiquity to Humanism, eds P. Lucentini, I. Parri and V. Perrone Compagni, Turnhout, 2003, pp. 369–84.

216. ‘Tābit ibn Qurra the Ḥarrānian on Talismans and the Spirits of the Planets’, La Corónica, 36, 2007, pp. 13–40.

217. ‘Late Antique and Medieval Latin Translations of Greek Texts on Astrology and Magic’, in The Occult Sciences in Byzantium, eds Maria Mavroudi and Paul Magdalino, Paris, 2007, pp. 325–59.

218. ‘Nīranj: a Category of Magic (Almost) Forgotten in the Latin West’, in Natura, scienze e società medievali. Studi in onore di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Florence, 2008, pp. 37–66 (Micrologus’s Library, 28).

219. ‘The Theory and Practice of Powerful Words in Medieval Magical Texts’, in The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, eds Tetsuro Shimizu and Charles Burnett, Turnhout, 2009, pp. 215–31.

220. ‘Introduction’ to David Pingree, ‘Between the Ghaya and the Picatrix II: The Flos Naturarum ascribed to Jabir, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 72 (2009), pp. 41–4.

221. ‘Divination’ (with Guido Giglioni) in A. Grafton, G. W. Most and S. Settis, The Classical Tradition, Cambridge, Ma., 2010.

222. ‘East (and South) Asian Traditions in Astrology and Divination as Viewed from the West’, in Les Astres et le destin: astrologie et divination en Asie Orientale, Extrême orient-- Extrême occident, 35, 2013, pp. 285-93.

223. ‘A Judaeo-Arabic Version of Tābit ibn Qurra’s De imaginibus and Pseudo-Ptolemy’s Opus imaginum’ (with Gideon Bohak), in Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion: Studies in Honor of Dimitri Gutas, ed. Felicitas Opwis and David Reisman, Leiden and Boston, 2012, pp. 179-200.

224. ‘Geomancy in the Islamic World and Western Europe’, Zhouyi Studies (English Version), 7, 2011, pp. 176-80.

225. ‘The Latin Versions of Pseudo-Aristotle’s De signis’, in Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily, ed. Pieter de Leemans, Leuven 2014, pp. 285-301.

226. ‘Magic in the Court of Alfonso el Sabio: The Latin Translation of the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm’, in De Frédéric II à Rodolphe II: Astrologie, divination et magie dans les cours (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle), eds J.-P. Boudet, Martine Ostorero and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Micrologus Library 85, Florence, 2017, pp. 37-52.

227. ‘Arabic Magic: the impetus for translating texts and their reception’, in The Routledge History of Medieval Magic, eds Sophie Page and C. Rider, New York and Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, pp. 71-84.

Anglo–Norman Science and Learning in the Twelfth Century  

‡228. ‘Adelard of Bath and the Arabs’, Rencontres de cultures dans la philosophie médiévale, ed. M. Fattori and J. Hamesse, Louvain-la-Neuve and Cassino, 1990, pp. 89–107. Reprinted with corrections in Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham 2009, Article III.

229. ‘Omnibus convenit Platonicis: an Appendix to Adelard of Bath's Quaestiones naturales?’, in From Athens to Chartres Studies in Honour of Edouard Jeauneau, ed. H. J. Westra, Leiden, 1992, pp. 259–81.

230. ‘Adelard of Bath’s Use of Arabic Astrology and Astronomy’, Kokusai gengogaku kenkyusho shohou (Journal of the International Institute of Linguistic Science, Kyoto Sangyo Univeristy), 14, 1993 (in Japanese).

231. ‘Ocreatus’, in Vestigia mathematica: Studies in medieval and early modern mathematics in honour of H.L.L.Busard, ed. M. Folkerts and J. P. Hogendijk, Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA, 1993, pp. 69–78.

232. ‘The Introduction of Arabic Learning into British Schools’, The Introduction of Arabic Philosophy into Europe, ed. C. E. Butterworth and B. A. Kessel, Leiden, 1994, pp. 40–57.

233. ‘Mathematics and Astronomy in Hereford and its Region in the Twelfth Century’, in Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology at Hereford, ed. D. Whitehead, British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions 15, Leeds, 1995, pp. 50–9.

234. ‘Adelard of Bath’s Doctrine on Universals and the Consolatio Philosophiae of Boethius’, Didascalia, 1, Sendai (Japan), 1995, pp. 1–14.

235. ‘The Introduction of Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy into Great Britain: A Preliminary Survey of the Manuscript Evidence’, in Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Ages, ed. J. Marenbon, Turnhout, 1996, pp. 21–50.

236. ‘The Instruments which are the Proper Delights of the Quadrivium: Rhythmomachy and Chess in the Teaching of Arithmetic in Twelfth-Century England’, Viator, 28, 1997, pp. 175–201.

237. ‘Hildegard in England: A Note on Hildegard’s Texts in the Library of the Austin Friars in York’, in Hildegard of Bingen: the Context of Her Thought and Art, edited by C. Burnett and P. Dronke, Warburg Insitute Colloquia 4, London, 1998, pp. 63–4.

238. ‘Give him the White Cow: Notes and Note-taking in the Universities in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries’, History of Universities, 14, 1995–6 [appeared, May, 1998], pp. 1–30.

239. ‘‘Abd al-Masīḥ of Winchester’, in Between Demonstration and Imagination: Essays on the History of Science and Philosophy Presented to John D. North, eds L. Nauta and A. Vanderjagt, Leiden, 1999, pp. 159–69.

240. ‘Avranches, B.M. 235 et Oxford, Corpus Christi Colleg, 283’, in Science antique, science médiévale (autour d’Avranches 235), ed. Callebat and O. Desbordes, Hildesheim 2000, pp. 63–70 (translated by David Juste).

241. ‘Les langues d’Angleterre dans les ouvrages d’Adélard de Bath’, in Il latino e l’inglese: una storia di lunga durata, Treviso, 25 novembre 2005, Ca’dei Carraresi, Paris, 2006, pp. 47–52.

242. ‘The Introduction of Scientific Texts into Britain, c. 1100–1250’, in The Book in Britain, II, eds Nigel Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson, Cambridge 2008, pp. 446–53.

243. ‘William of Conches and Adelard of Bath’, in Guillaume de Conches: Philosophie et science au XIIe siècle, ed. B. Obrist and I. Caiazzo, Florence, 2011, pp. 67-77.

244. ‘The Arrival of the Pagan Philosophers in the North: A Twelfth-Century Florilegium in Edinburgh University Library’, in Knowledge, Discipline and Power in the Middle Ages, Essays in Honour of David Luscombe, ed. Joseph Canning, Edmund King and Martial Staub, Leiden and Boston, 2011, pp. 79-93.

245. Prologue and Epilogue to a reprint of Adelard of Bath: The First English Scientist, by Louise Cochrane, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 2013, pp.11-13 and l159-66.

246. ‘The Introduction of Arabic Words in Medieval British Latin Scientific Writings’, in Latin in Medieval Britain, eds Richard Ashdowne and Carolinne White, Proceedings of the British Academy, 206, Oxford, 2017, pp. 198-210.

Peter Abelard and the French Schools

247. ‘The Contents and Affiliation of the Scientific Manuscripts Written at, or Brought to, Chartres in the Time of John of Salisbury’, in The World of John of Salisbury, edited M. Wilks, Studies in Church History, Oxford, 1984, pp. 127–60.

248. ‘Peter Abelard, Soliloquium: A Critical Edition’, Studi Medievali, 25, 1984, pp. 857–94.

249. ‘Notes on the Text of the Hymnarius Paraclitensis of Peter Abelard’, Scriptorium, 38, 1984, pp. 295–302.

250. ‘Expositio Orationis Dominicae “Multorum legimus orations” Peter Abelard’s Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer?’ Revue bénédictine, 95, 1985, pp. 56–71.

251. ‘Les Épitaphes d’Abélard et d’Héloïse au Paraclet et au Prieuré de Saint–Michel, à Chalon–sur–Saône’ (with Constant Mews), Studia Monastica, 27, 1985, pp. 61–7.

252. ‘Peter Abelard, Confessio fidei “Universis”: Abelard’s Reply to Criticisms of Heresy’, Mediaeval Studies, 48, 1986, pp. 111–38.

253. ‘Confessio fidei ad Heloisam: Abelard’s Last Letter to Heloise? A Discussion and Critical Edition of the Latin and Medieval French Versions’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 21, 1986, pp. 147–55.

254. ‘A New Text for the “School of Peter Abelard” Dossier?’ Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 55, year 1988, pp. 7–21 [on Albertus Vangaditiensis, Summa sententiarum].

255. ‘L’Astronomie à Chartres au temps de l’évêque Fulbert’, in Le Temps de Fulbert, Actes de l’Université d’été du 8 au 10 juillet 1996, Chartres, 1996, pp. 91–103.

256. ‘John of Salisbury and Aristotle’, Didascalia (Sendai), 2, 1996, pp. 19-32.

257. ‘Vincent of Beauvais, Michael Scot and the “New Aristotle”’, in Vincent de Beauvais, frère prêcheur: un intellectuel et son milieu au XIIIe siècle, eds S. Lusignan and M. Paulmier-Foucart, Grâne, 1997, pp. 189–213.

258. ‘La réception des mathématiques, de l’astronomie et de l’astrologie arabes à Chartres’, in Aristote, L’école de Chartres et la cathédrale, Chartres, 1997, pp. 101–7.

259. ‘A New Student for Peter Abelard: The Marginalia in British Library MS Cotton Faustina A. X’ (with David Luscombe) in Itinéraires de la raison. Etudes de philosophie médiévale offertes à Maria Cândida Pacheco, ed. J. F. Meirinhos, Turnhout, 2005, pp. 169–92.


260. ‘The Use of Geometrical Terms in Medieval Music: el muahim and elmuarifa and the Anonymus IV’, Sudhoffs Archiv, 70, 1986, pp. 198–205.

261. ‘Adelard, Music and the Quadrivium’, in Adelard of Bath: An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, ed. C. Burnett, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 14, London, 1987, pp. 69–86.

262. ‘Sound and its Perception in the Middle Ages’, in The Second Sense: Studies in Hearing and Musical Judgement from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century, edited by C. Burnett, M. Fend and P. M Gouk, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 22, London, 1991, pp. 43–69.

263. ‘European Knowledge of Arabic Texts Referring to Music: Some New Material’, Early Music History, 12, 1993, pp. 1–17 (Italian version: ‘Teoria e pratica musicali arabe in Sicilia e nell’Italia meridionale in età normanna e sveva’, Nuove effemeridi, 11, 1990, pp. 79–89).

264. ‘Boethius on Vibrational Frequency and Pitch’. Correspondence between Dr Charles Burnett…and Professor H. Floris Cohen, University of Twente, Enschede, occasioned by [a statement] in Cohen’s review of The Second Sense: Studies in Hearing and Musical Judgement from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century, eds C. Burnett, M. Fend and P. Gouk (London: Warburg Institute, 1991), Annals of Science, 52, 1995, pp. 303–5.

265. ‘Hearing and Music in Book XI of Pietro d’Abano’s Expositio Problematum Aristotelis’, in Tradition and Ecstasy: The Agony of the Fourteenth Century, ed. N. van Deusen, Ottowa, 1997, pp. 153–90.

266. The Cashel Music Treatise, edition for the database of Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum, ed. Thomas J. Mathiesen (with Michael Lundell): Canon of Data Files, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, p. 21.

267. ‘“Spiritual Medicine”: Music and Healing in Islam and its Influence in Western Medicine’, in Musical Healing in Cultural Contexts, ed. P. Gouk, Aldershot, 2000, pp. 85–91.

268. Articles on ‘Adelard of Bath’ and ‘Hermann of Carinthia’ for the New Grove. Supplement (in press).

269. ‘Music and Healing in Islam’, Avidi Lumi: Quadrimestrale di culture musicali de Teatro Massimo di Palermo, 5, February, 1999, pp. 36–40, 83–4, 108–9 (Italian, English and Arabic versions).

270. ‘Music and Magnetism, from Abū Ma‘shar to Kircher’, in Music and Esoterism, ed. Laurence Wuidar, Aries Book Series, 9, Brill, 2010, pp. 13-22.

271. ‘Musical Instruments as Conveyors of Meaning from One Culture to Another: The Example of the Lute’, in The Power of Things and the Flow of Cultural Transformations: Art and Culture between Europe and Asia, eds. Lieselotte E. Saurma-Jeltsch and Anja Eisenbeiß, Berlin and Munich, 2010, pp. 156-69.

272. ‘Music and the Stars in Cashel, Bolton Library, MS 1’, in Music and the Stars: Mathematics in Medieval Ireland, eds Mary Kelly and Charles Doherty, Dublin, 2013, pp 142-58 and Plates 6 and 7.

Contacts between the West and the Far East

273. ‘Attitudes towards the Mongols in Medieval Literature: the XXII Kings of Gog and Magog from the Court of Frederick II to Jean de Mandeville’ (with P. Gautier Dalché), Viator, 22, 1991, pp. 153–67.

274. Summary of lecture ‘Antipelargesis: A Jesuit Latin Play in a Japanese Setting’, in Chuo University Bulletin, Tokyo, 1992 (in Japanese).

275. ‘Common Sources of Astrology and Astronomy in West and East’, in The Mutual Encounter of East and West, 1492–1992, ed. P. Milward, Tokyo, 1993.

276. ‘Humanism and the Jesuit Mission to China: the case of Duarte de Sande (1547–1599)’, in Euphrosyne, n.s., 24, Lisbon, 1996, pp. 425–71.

277. ‘The Navigational Instruments in Duarte de Sande’s Dialogus de missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam Curiam (1590)’, in História das ciências matemática, Portugal e o Oriente, ed. Luis Saraiva, Fundação Oriente, Lisbon, 2000. pp. 263-74.

278. ‘The Freising Titus Play’, in Mission und Theater: Japan und China auf den Bühnen der Gesellschaft Jesu, eds Adrian Hsia and Ruprecht Wimmer, Jesuitica, 7, Regensburg, 2005, pp. 413–97.


279. ‘The Impact of Arabic Science on Western Civilisation in the Middle Ages’, Bulletin of the British Association of Orientalists, 11, 1979–80, pp. 40–51.

280. ‘The Origins of the Third Vatican Mythographer’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 44, 1981, pp. 162–7.

281. ‘High Altitude Mountaineering 1600 years ago’, Alpine Journal, 1983, p. 127.

282. ‘Science and Islam’, News and Events, publication of the York Religious Education Centre, autumn, 1983.

283. ‘Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny et l’islamologie’, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 35, 1992, pp. 290–1.

284. ‘Cultural Contacts Between Christians and Muslims in Northern Spain in the Middle Ages’, Bulletin of the Confraternity of Saint James, 42, 1992, pp. 22–5.

285. Preface to Catalogue Arabic Science and Medicine, Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 1993.

286. ‘Report on Current Work on Islamic Philosophy and Science’, Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 35, 1993, pp. 9–17.

287. ‘Proverbia Senece et versus Ebrardi super eadem: MS Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 122/59, pp. 19–29’, (with B. Taylor and M. J. Duffell), Euphrosyne, 26, 1998, pp. 357–78.

288. ‘Abacus’ (with W. F. Ryan), in Instruments of Science: A Historical Encyclopedia, ed. R. Bud and D. Warner, London, 1998, pp. 5–7.

289. ‘Wobagu Kenkyujo ni okeru Arabia kagaku no kenkyu’ (In Japanese: ‘Arabic studies at the Warburg’), in To zai Namboku, Machida (Tokyo), 2001, pp. 108–15 (translated by Itaru Matsueda).

290. ‘Images of Ancient Egypt in the Latin Middle Ages’, in The Wisdom of Egypt: Changing Visions through the Ages, eds P. Ucko and T. Champion, London, 2003, pp. 65–99.

291. ‘Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny (1903-1991): The History of Ideas in the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean Basin’, in Women Medievalists and the Academy, ed. Jane Chase, Madison, 2005, pp. 585–97.

292. Articles on Abū Ma‘shar, Adelard of Bath, Alfred of Sareschel, Arabic Numerals, Gerard of Cremona, Hermann of Carinthia, Hugh of Santalla, John of Seville, Mark of Toledo, Michael Scot, Thabit ibn Qurra, Translation Norms and Practices, for Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: an Encyclopedia, ed. Thomas Glick, Steven J. Livesey, Faith Wallis, Routledge: New York and London, 2005.

293. ‘Science in the World of Islam’, in The World of 1607: Special Exhibition. Artifacts of the Jamestown Era from Around the World, Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 2007-April 2008, pp. 203-10.

294. ‘Adelard of Bath’, ‘Arabic Texts: Natural Philosophy’, and ‘Hermes Trismegistus’ in H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Dordrecht and London, 2011.

295. ‘John North’, in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy XI, London, 2012, pp. 493-99.

296. ‘The Twelfth-Century Renaissance’, Cambridge History of Science, Cambridge, 2013, vol. 2, ed. David Lindberg and Michael Shanks, pp. 365-84.

Reviews (selection):

Bernardus Silvesteris, The Cosmographia, translated Winthrop Wetherbee, Medium Ævum, 44, 1975, pp. 169–71.
Dorothee Metlitzki, The Matter of Araby in Medieval England , in Review of English Studies, 29, 1978, pp. 332–3.
The Prose Salernitan Questions, edited Brian Lawn, in Folklore, 91, 1980, p. 249.
Amnon Shiloah, The Theory of Music in Arab Writings, in Early Music History, 1, 1981, pp. 378–81.
Aetius Arabus, edited H. Daiber, in Classical Review, 31, 1981, pp. 304–5.
Ina Willi–Plein and Thomas Willi, Glaubensdolch und Messiasbeweis: Die Begegnung von Judentum, Christen und Islam in 13. Jahrh. in Spanien, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 32, 1981, pp. 535–6.
Bernardus Silvestris, The Commentary on the First Six Books of Virgil’s Aeneid, translated E. G. Schreiber and T. E.  Maresca, in Notes and Queries, 28, 1981, pp. 329–31.144.

Kitab al-humayat li-Ishaq ibn Sulayman al-Isra’ili, ed. and trans. J. D. Latham and H. D. Isaacs, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 46, 1983, pp. 553–4.
W. Hübner, Die Eigenschaften der Tierkreiszeichen in der Antike, in Journal for the History of Astronomy, 15, 1984, pp.  48–50.
G. Makdisi, The Rise of Colleges, in History of Universities, 4, 1984, pp. 187–8.
Galen’s Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise Airs, Waters, Places in the Hebrew Translation of Solomon ha–Me’ati, ed. and tran. A. Wasserstein, in Classical Review, 34, 1984, p. 315.
E. Booth, Aristotelian Aporetic Ontology in Islamic and Christian Thinkers, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 35, 1984, pp. 662–3.
The First Latin Translation of Euclid’s Elements commonly attributed to Adelard of Bath, ed. H.L.L. Busard, in Archives internationales pour l’histoire des sciences, 35, 1985, pp. 475–80.
Peter Abelard, Letters IX–XIV, ed. E. R. Smits, in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 21, 1986, pp. 147–85.
S. J. Ferruolo, The Origins of the University: The Schools of Paris and their Critics 1100–1215, in History of Universities, 6, 1986–7, pp. 143–4.
M. R. Menocal, The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History, in Hispanic Review, 57, 1989, pp. 359–61.
R. Kieckhefer, Magic in the Middle Ages, in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 42, 1991, pp. 307–8.
Medieval Translators and their Craft, ed. J. Beer, Revue des langues romanes, 95, 1991, pp. 201–3.
L. P. Harvey, Islamic Spain 1250–1500, in Medieval World, Jan./Feb. 1992.
P. Morpurgo, Filosofia della natura nella schola salernitana del secolo XII , in Medium Aevum, 61, 1992, pp. 113–4.
John of Salisbury's Entheticus Maior and Minor, ed. J. van Laarhoven, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 35, 1992, pp. 189–90.
Ken’ichi Takahashi, The Medieval Latin Traditions of Euclid’s Catoptrica: A Critical Edition of De Speculis with an Introduction, English Translation and Commentary, Fukuoka, 1992, in Historia Scientiarum, 3, 1993, pp. 95–7.
‘How We Got Newton’, The New York Times Book Review, 20 Sept. 1992, p. 49 (review of D. C. Lindberg, The Beginnings of Western Science).
Cornelius O’Boyle, Medieval Prognosis and Astrology: A Working Edition of the Aggregationes de crisi et creticis diebus, Cambridge, 1991, in Medical History, 37, 1993, pp. 465–6.
Sa’id al-Andalusi, Science in the Medieval World “Book of the Categories of Nations”, transl. and ed. by Sema’am I. Salem and Alok Kumar, Austin, Tx, 1991, in Historia scientiarum, 32, 1993, pp. 157–8
V. I. J. Flint, The Rise of Magic in Early Modern Europe, Oxford, 1991, in Heythrop Journal, 35, 1994, pp. 91–2
W. Eamon, Books of Secrets, in New York Review of Books???
Guy Beaujouan, Science médiévale d’Espagne et d’alentour, Variorum, Aldershot, 1992, in Annals of Science, 51, 1994, pp. 666–7.
Review article on editing Medieval Latin texts for Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 39, 1996, pp. 142–7: John of Salisbury, Metalogicon, ed. J. B. Hall and K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, id., Policraticus I–IV, ed. K. S. B. Keats–Rohan, and id., Policraticus, ed. and trans. Cary J. Nederman.
Piero Morpurgo, L’idea di natura nell’Italia Normannosveva, Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna, 1993, 189 pp. in Speculum, 72, 1997, pp. 530–3.
Andreas Speer, Die Entdeckte NaturUntersuchungen zu Begründungsversuchen einer “scientia naturalis” in 12. Jahrhundert, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995 in Speculum, 72, 1997, pp. 533–4.
Aristotle, Metaphysica, translated by William of Moerbeke, ed. G. Vuillemin–Diem, Leiden, 1995, in Annals of Science, 53, 1996, pp. 427–9.
The Philosophy of Peter Abelard, by John Marenbon, Cambridge, 1997, in Early Medieval Europe, 8, 1999, pp. 156–7

Laurence Wuidar, Musique et astrologie après le Concile de Trente, Institut historique belge de Rome, Études d’histoire de l’art 10, Brepols: Brussels and Rome, 2008, 222 pp.; Canons, énigmes et hiéroglyphes musicaux dans l’Italie du 17e siècle, Etudes de musicologie 1, P.I.E. Peter Lang: Brussels et al., 2008, 265 pp. in Il Saggiatore, 2/2010, pp. 175-7.

Michael Ryan, A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 2011), in Medium Aevum 82, 2013, pp. 167-8.

Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100–1450Aestimatio, 2012, pp. 189-94.

Benjamin Anderson, Cosmos and Community in Early Medieval Art, New Haven, 2017

John C. Reeves and Annette Yoshiko Reed, Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, volume 1: Sources from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (2018).

List of editions of Latin texts in books and articles above 

Abdalaben Zeleman, De spatula 51

Abraham Ibn Ezra, Sefer ha-Midot 34

Abū Maʿšar, On Historical Astrology 25

Abū Maʿšar, The Great Introduction to Astrology 53

Adelard of Bath, De eodem et diverso, Questiones naturales, De avibus tractatus 22
Adelard of Bath, trans., Jafar, Isagoga Minor 9
Alcabitius, Liber Introductorius 26

Alkindi, Iudicia 14
Alkindi, De mutatione temporum 23
Alkindi, De cometis (fragment) 109

Alkindi, De thesauris and De thesauri reperto 212
Pseudo-Alkindi, Epistola Prudenti viro 17, 196
Antipelargesis (Jesuit play) 15
Apertio portarum 23

Pseudo-Aristotle, De Luna 17, 197, 217, 218
Ascelin of Augsburg, Compositio astrolabii 38, 142
Antimaquis 31

Averroes Junior, De intellectu 107, 110
Axiomata artis aritmetice 16

Bartholomew of Parma, Tractatus spere, pars tercia, 145
Pseudo-Bede, De mundi celestis terrestrisque constitutione 3

Borotin, Introduction to Commentary on Alcabitius’s Introduction to Astrology 168

The Cashel Music Treatise 266
Chartrian Divisio scientiarum 102
Chiromantia parva (Adelard Chiromancy) 17
Constantine the African, De oblivione 180

Constantine the African, Pantegni (chapter on the elements) 185

David Ben Yom Tov, Medical Astrology 30

De cibis 38, 112

De elementis 38, 112

De metallis 38, 116
De saporibus 131

De spatula 31

De spatula, liber alius 31, 51

De spatula, liber Abdalaben Zeleman 51

Duarte de Sande, Poems and other texts 276

Eadwine Chiromancy 17, 201

Freising Titus Play 278

Gerard of Cremona, Preface to Almagest 160

Gerard of Cremona, Vita, Commemoratio librorum and Eulogium 38, 72
Giorgio Anselmi, Notitia spatulæ 17, 209

Hermann of Carinthia, De essentiis 1
Hermann of Carinthia, Prologue to Ptolemy, Planisphere 1, 55
Hugo Sanctelliensis, Liber Aristotilis 18
Hugo Sanctelliensis, Prologue to Liber novem iudicum 151

Hugo Sanctelliensis/Hermann of Carinthia, Prologue to Liber trium iudicum 54

Jafar Indus, De pluviis 147

John of Seville and Limia, Prologue to Pseudo–Aristotle, Secreta secretorum 38, 61
John of Seville and Limia, Prologue to Thabit, De imaginibus 38, 61

Liber Alchorismi, Part II 43,133

Lineae naturales… (Eadwine Chiromancy) 17, 201

Maimonides, De coitu 51a

Michael Scot, Divisio philosophiae 257

Ocreatus, Helcep Sarracenicum 16
Omnibus convenit Platonicis… 229
On the Victorious and the Defeated 17, 192
‘Oxford Gloss’ to the first chapter of Aristotle’s Physics 103

Peter Abelard, Abbreviatio Expositionis Hexameron 28

Peter Abelard, Confessio fidei ad Heloisam 253

Peter Abelard, Confessio fidei “Universis” 252
Peter Abelard, Epitaphs 251
Peter Abelard, Expositio Orationis Dominicae “Multorum legimus orations” 250
Peter Abelard, Soliloquium 240
Petrus Alfonsi, Prologue to Zīj of al–Khwārizmī 65
Pietro d’Afeltro, Expositio Proemii Averroys (preface and section on method) 103
Prologue to Boethius, De arithmetica in Cambridge, Trinity R.15.16 102
Proverbia Senece et versus Ebrardi super eadem 287

Ptolemy, First chapter of Almagest 160
Pseudo-Ptolemy, Parapegma, 207
Pseudo-Ptolemy, Proverbia 160

Pseudo-Ptolemy’s Opus imaginum (excerpt) 223

Razes, Dubitationes contra Galenum (fragment) 106
Rememoratio spatule et expositio eius 208
Robert of Ketton, Prologue to Alkindi, Iudicia 14, 137

Rhythmomachia 236

S. Francis Xaverius (Jesuit play) 15
Saturnus in Ariete… 23
Sloane Chiromancy 17

Stelle fixe aerem turbantes in singulis mensibus 217
Stephen of Antioch (Pisa), Prologues to Regalis dispositio and Liber Mamonis 38, 71

Tabit ibn Qurra’s De imaginibus (excerpt) 223
Theodore of Antioch, Epistola ad imperatorem Fridericum (de conservanda sanitate) 38, 63
Theodore of Antioch, Prologues to Moamin and Gatriph 38, 63
Toledan Regule 43, 133

Trinity College Rhythmomachy 236

Ut testatur Ergaphalau… 198

William Scot, De coniunctionibus planetarum transitis et futuris 140