How do I register for a library card?

Please check our Join the Library page to see if you are eligible to use the library.

When visiting the Institute for the first time, please make sure you bring the necessary photographic ID stated on our admissions page and, if required, a letter of recommendation. A member of staff in the Reading Room will issue you with your Warburg library card and give you a brief guide to how to use the library.

Are bags allowed in the library?

No, bags are not allowed in the Library. They should be left in the lockers at the entrance to the Reading Room. Locker tokens are provided. If you require a clear plastic bag to take your belongings into the library, please ask at the Reading Room desk.

Suitcases, holdalls and rucksacks may not be brought into the Institute unless they can fit into a locker (41 x 24 x 42 cm). 

Can I borrow books from the Warburg Library?

No, the library is a reference-only collection meaning that books cannot be borrowed. You can keep up to 10 books on reserve in the ground floor Reading Room.

How do I connect to wifi?

You can use your valid library card to connect to the WiFi network in the building.

  • Network: UoL Libraries
  • Username: reader card number (no spaces)
  • Password: surname (in lower case)

Eduroam users can log in using the Eduroam service. Please note that we cannot provide support for Eduroam. If you have any problems with Eduroam, please use UoL Libraries instead.

If you have any connection problems on UoL Libraries, try the Wi-Fi help guide provided by Senate House Library or talk to library staff in the Reading Room.

As stated in the Library Regulations, all users must adhere to the University of London Acceptable Use Policy. Should you not comply with the these regulations, the Institute may suspend or terminate your access.

How do I scan, print or photocopy?

Digital scans: The overhead scanner in the Reading Room is free to use. You will need a USB stick to save your scans. If you don't have one with you, you can purchase a 16GB USB drive in the Reading Room for £5.

Photocopying, printing and scanning to email: You will need to register for a PaperCut account to use the copier located in the Reading Room. See our copying guide for more information on how to use PaperCut and the charges for each service.

Please show your books at the Reading Room desk before copying.

Is there somewhere to eat and drink in the Institute?

Our common room on the 4th floor of the Institute is open to all visitors. You are welcome to use the common room to have a coffee, chat with friends or bring your own lunch.

There is also a small kitchen next to the common room which visitors may use.

Find the common room on the 4th floor by taking the main lift or stair from Reception. Turn left when you enter the corridor. You cannot access the common room directly from the Library.

No food or drink may be consumed in the Library.

Do you offer a scan and deliver service?

We don't offer a scan and deliver service.

If you require a scan of an article or chapter, and you are not able to visit the library in person, please order through the Inter Library Loan service of your home library. Please note that for copyright reasons we can only supply one article or chapter, or up to 5% of a book, through digital Inter-Library Loan. Find out more about our Inter-Library Loan service.

If you require a digital scan of an image from our collection, we can provide high quality digital images suitable for publication. Find out more about our reproduction service for high quality digital images.