Raphaële Mouren
Senior Research Fellow
Research Interests: History of philology | History of scholarship and the transmission of classics in modern times | Republic of Letters | History of the book | Cultural history of Florence and Rome in the Renaissance | History of libraries and librarians 16th-20th Centuries | Library Information Science (Rare books and Special collections) | Digital tools for the reconstruction of libraries | Digital history of the book and bibliography

Dr Raphaële Mouren is Senior Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute. She is Head of Research Collections at the British School of Rome; co-Director of the Book and Print Initiative, School of Advanced Study; Deputy-Director of the Centre Gabriel Naudé (Lyon), and president of the Association d’étude de la Renaissance, l’Humanisme et la Réforme.
She studied at the Université de Provence (MA, Classics), at the École des chartes, Paris (archiviste paléographe) and the École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques, Lyon (Enssib, diplôme de conservateur des bibliothèques), and was a fellow at the École française de Rome for 3 years. She received her DEA and PhD from École pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne.
Raphaële was Head of the Department of Rare books and Special collections at Bibliothèque-Carré d’Art, Nîmes (1994-1995), Deputy Director of the Cité du livre–bibliothèque Méjanes in Aix-en-Provence (2000-2006) and Senior Lecturer in modern and contemporary history, Director of the Centre Gabriel Naudé, at Enssib, Lyon (2006-2013) and Librarian and Reader in the History of the Book and History of Libraries at the Warburg Institute (2013-2022).
She has been awarded fellowships and grants from institutions including the AHRC, École française de Rome, the Newberry Library, The French Institute of History in Germany, the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, the Society for Renaissance Studies région Rhône-Alpes and the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. She is member of various funded-projects focused on the history of the book and libraries and digital reconstruction of lost libraries.
Raphaele's early research was on the transmission of classical texts in the Renaissance, with a focus on the history of philology and of the learned book in 16th century Italy. Whilst working on her PhD on the Florentine humanist Piero Vettori (1499-1585), Raphaele expanded her interests to the history of the book and libraries at that time, the transmission of Greek manuscripts from the Byzantine Empire, as well as the Republic of letters and the Cultural history of Florence and Rome. She is currently studying the history of the early modern printed book with a special interest in the relationship and collaboration between players of the book world, such as authors, editors, publishers, printers, translators, collaborators and patrons. Raphaele works from time to time on Greek palaeography and the history of transmission and Greek and Latin texts.
She has a strong interest in the history of libraries and librarians, having worked on private libraries from the 16th century until today, as well as on institutional libraries and librarians in the 19th and 20th centuries. Raphaele is interested in a social as well as institutional history of libraries, of their missions and organisation. She has been working with colleagues on the digital reconstruction of lost libraries and the creation of a platform able to host inventories, books descriptions and images and to identify links and echoes between single books, libraries and collectors.
Bibliothèques et lecteurs dans l’Europe moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles) (ed. with G. Bertrand, A. Cayuela, C. Del Vento), Geneva, Droz, 2016.
“Stratégies auctoriales et éditoriales de dédicace: éditions latines et grecques au milieu du seizième siècle”, in Les pratiques latines de la dédicace, dir. J.-C. Julhe, Paris, Garnier, 2014, p. 561-578.
Biographie et éloges funèbres de Piero Vettori: entre rhétorique et histoire, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014.
Auteur, traducteur, collaborateur, imprimeur, qui écrit? (dir. with M. Furno), Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013.
“Les imprimeurs-libraires lyonnais et André Alciat”, in André Alciat: un humaniste au confluent des savoirs dans l'Europe de la Renaissance, dir. S. Rolet, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, p. 257-291.
“L’auteur, l’imprimeur et les autres: éditer les oeuvres complètes de Cicéron (1533-1540)”, in Écrivain et imprimeur, dir. Alain Riffaud, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010, p. 123-146.
Je lègue ma bibliothèque à...: dons et legs dans les bibliothèques publiques (dir.), Méolans-Revel, Perrousseaux, 2010.
Quid novi? Sébastien Gryphe, 450e anniversaire de sa mort (dir.), Villeurbanne, Enssib, 2008.
“La redécouverte des fragments de Denys et les premières éditions du De legationibus”, in Fragments d’historiens grecs: autour de Denys d’Halicarnasse, dir. S. Pittia, École française de Rome, 2002, p. 27-84.
“La varietas des philologues au XVIe siècle: entre varia lectio et variæ lectiones”, in La varietas à la Renaissance, ed. D. de Courcelles, Paris, École des chartes, 2001, p. 5-31.
Full list of publications
Nicolas Weill, “A Londres, les humanités hors de danger”, Le Monde, 6 November 2014
Jean-Jacques Larochelle, “Pas de perte irremediable après l’inondation à la BnF”, Le Monde, 17 January 2014