Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy, c. 1400-c. 1650

Completed project, established at the Warburg Institute in 2010 by Professor Jill Kraye, as a collaboration with the University of Warwick (Centre for the Study of the Renaissance), funded by an AHRC standard grant.
Objective: to redress the almost exclusive concentration on Latin Aristotelianism among historians of philosophy and ideas in recent decades, by exploring the ways in which Aristotelianism increasingly reached a broad and non-Latinate public.
As far as is known, this was the first funded research project world-wide to study the Renaissance diffusion of Aristotelian works in the Italian vernacular. The project brought together historians of language, literature, philosophy, science and culture. It was led by Dr David Lines (University of Warwick) together with Professor Simon Gilson (University of Warwick) and Professor Jill Kraye (Warburg Institute). The project partner was Professor Luca Bianchi (Università del Piemonte Orientale), the research fellow was Dr Eugenio Refini (University of Warwick), and the doctoral researcher was Grace Allen (Warburg Institute).
The project outcomes include the Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy Database (VARI 2.0), an electronic census and description of all relevant materials in both manuscript and print.
Publications (full list)
The image shows a page from Francesco Nuti’s Italian translation of Aristotle’s Ethics (1464). Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana MS It. II 1 [=4934], fol. 1r
The most substantial published outcome of the project is:
The Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy Database (VARI 2.0)
compiled by Eugenio Refini, David Lines and Bryan Brazeau
Publications in print (date of last update: 12 April 2018)
Venezia e Aristotele (ca. 1450-ca. 1600): greco, latino e italiano / Venice and Aristotle (c. 1450-c. 1600): From Greek and Latin to the Vernacular, ed. Alessio Cotugno and David A. Lines, Venice (Marcianum Press) 2016
— A short description of this volume is provided on the Marcianum Press website
- Grace Allen, ‘Vernacular Encounters with Aristotle’s Politics in Italy, 1260-1600’, Ph.D. thesis, Warburg Institute 2015
‘Aristotele fatto volgare’: tradizione aristotelica e cultura volgare nel Rinascimento, ed. David A. Lines and Eugenio Refini, Pisa (Edizioni ETS) 2014. This volume represents the proceedings of the colloquium ‘“Aristotele fatto volgare”: Aristotelian Philosophy and the Vernacular in the Renaissance‘, held at the Scuola normale superiore di Pisa in September 2012
— A description of this volume is provided on the Edizioni ETS website