Stay connected to the Warburg
As alumni of the Warburg Institute, your relationship with us does not end on your graduation day. We sometimes say (only half in jest) that you never really leave the Warburg! We are proud that our alumni continue to feel such a strong connection to the Warburg, and want to provide ways for you to remain part of our community whether or not you are able to visit us in Woburn Square.
Get in touch
If you would like to be interviewed as part of our 'Life after the Warburg' series or contribute to the blog in some other way we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us at
Our 'Life After Warburg' blog series delves into the achievements, research, and reflections of Warburg alumni on what it was like to study at the Institute. Read to explore what some of your fellow alums have gone on to do, and we look forward to adding your stories to theirs. Many of our MA students have pursued PhD study at the Institute or other universities across the globe (including Cambridge, Copenhagen, Notre Dame, Padua, Warwick, York and Yeshiva); and graduates have moved into positions in the academic, cultural and commercial sectors (including Arts Council England, the National Gallery, Sothebys and the V&A).
We also encourage you to keep in touch and join our online community by connecting with us on social media, you can find the links to our channels at the bottom of this page. If you are not receiving the Warburg Institute Newsletter and would like to, please sign up here.
We would also like to give you the opportunity to join the Friends of the Warburg and become part of the community of supporters helping to write the Institute’s exciting next chapter. To join up as a Friend is entirely free and you will receive a regular newsletter with information about the Warburg. Additionally you can support the Institute with annual gifts and join one of our Friends of the Warburg recognition circles by becoming a Muse.
As alumni of the Warburg Institute, you will will always be eligible for free access to all of the Institute’s collections (including Library, Archives and Photographic Collection). Additionally, as graduates of the School of Advanced Study, alumni are entitled to a wide range of benefits and services.
Graduate Outcomes
15 months after you finish your studies, you will be asked to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey – a new national survey run by HESA, which captures information about the perspectives and activities of our graduates.