Warburg Institute Travel Fund for existing Warburg MPhil/PhD Students

Research Trips

The Institute has a small Student Travel Fund which provides grants for research visits by both full-time and part-time Warburg MPhil/PhD students. Applicants must be registered for the MPhil or PhD degree. Those registered for the MPhil degree will not, normally, be eligible to receive an award until they have completed ‘Progression’. This will be at the end of the first year for full-time students and the end of the second year for part-time students. However if there is a particular need to travel for research purposes prior to ‘Progression’ being completed, please discuss this with your supervisor who will be able to advise on whether it is appropriate to apply or not. Students can also apply in advance for travel due to take place after the ‘Progression’ date. MA students are not eligible to apply. Please note that whilst International travel can be funded, awards are usually given for travel costing between £200 - £400. The closing dates for receipt of application forms are 30 July 2024; 30 November 2024; 28 February 2025; 30 May 2025.

Please download the guidelines, application form and risk assessment.

Conference Papers

The Institute has a small Student Travel Fund which provides support towards travel costs incurred when Mphil/PhD students are giving a paper at a conference. Please note that whilst International travel can be funded, awards are usually given for travel costing between £200 - £400. The closing dates for receipt of application forms are 30 July 2024; 30 November 2024; 28 February 2025; 30 May 2025.

Please download the guidelines, application form and risk assessment.

Student Travel Fund Planning Arrangements Guidance and Risk Assessment DOCX 72.76 KB
Student Travel Fund Guidelines DOC 79.5 KB
Student Travel Fund Application Form DOC 434 KB

Application for the SAS Hardship Grant (Training/Research)

The SAS Hardship Grant (Training) provides funding to allow doctoral students who have no other source of funding, to attend a course, to undergo essential training, or to make an essential research trip. It is not intended to assist with the cost of attending a conference.

You can apply for help from the Fund (Training) at any time during the academic year, and any time during the first 2 years of a 3 year doctorate (full time) or in the first 4 years of part time study. Grants are non-repayable.

Download the SAS Hardship Grant Application Form DOCX 55.86 KB