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A gift in your will

The Warburg Institute has been allowed to flourish and prosper as a direct result of the generosity of past legacies

The Warburg Institute exists today because Aby Warburg bequeathed his private library to establish the Institute and continue his cultural laboratory for interdisciplinary study and research into the interactions between ideas, images and society.

In the present day, the Institute continues to benefit from legacies from some of our most esteemed academics and supporters, such as Sir Ernst Gombrich, Dame Frances Yates and Nicolai Rubinstein. Such gifts play a vital role in securing the future of the Warburg Institute and ensures our community of students, readers, researchers and our collections will benefit for generations to come.

All the legacies we receive are incredibly important to us and remembering the Warburg in your Will is a meaningful way for you to have a lasting impact on the Institute. Letting us know that you intend to make a bequest enables us to recognise and honour the tremendous impact that your gift will have in the future. We would value the opportunity to thank you for your support and keep your informed of our work and our plans for the future.

As we have charitable status, your bequest is not liable for inheritance tax and will be deducted from your estate before any tax liability is calculated. We recommend you seek independent professional legal and tax advice for writing or amending your Will but we are happy to provide suggested wording. Those in the UK can find general information about leaving a gift in your Will to charity by visiting

If you are interested in supporting the Warburg in this way or would like guidance on how to do this, please contact the Institute’s Development team on