Friends of the Warburg
Become a Friend of the Warburg and join the community of supporters who are helping to write the next chapter of this illustrious institution.
The Friends of the Warburg has been founded to bring together the many people who value the Institute, admire its history and depend on its resources. Become a part of this community that will help us to remain an international beacon for interdisciplinary scholarship, using our unique collections to study the interaction of ideas, images and society and support the Warburg Renaissance Project.
To join up as a Friend is entirely free and you will receive our regular newsletter with information about the Institute, its research and scholarship, and invitations to public events, including the lectures, openings and exhibitions the Institute has throughout the year.
Sign up as a Friend here

Become a Muse – Support the Warburg
To provide further support you could become a Muse by making an annual gift. We rely on academic revenue and donations to fund our education and research activities, support our Library and collections and drive the Warburg Renaissance project.
There are five levels that you can join at, with a number of benefits as our way of saying thank you. The levels are named after Mnemosyne, the mother of the muses and the Goddess of Memory, and her daughters. Mnemosyne is particularly meaningful to the Institute as it is the word inscribed by Aby Warburg over the library in Hamburg and by his successors over our library in London.
All donors will receive our popular Warburg Institute tote bag and will be acknowledged in our annual report, if they so wish. Terpischore and above will receive publications such as our recently published book of Aby Warburg’s 1899 Leonardo Lectures plus invitations to special events, which in 2019 included talks by Edmund de Waal, Stephen Greenblatt and Sir Charles Saumarez Smith.
All donations will go to the Warburg Charitable Trust, our independent regulated charity led by a dedicated group of trustees whose sole purpose it is to support the Warburg Institute.
You can donate in a variety of different ways to suit your needs, such as payroll giving or by setting up a direct debit, and we also have tax-efficient giving mechanisms for Friends in Europe and Asia, as well as the American Friends of the Warburg Institute for those in North America.
We will recognise all donors in our annual report and appreciate your support at the following recognition levels:
Clio: Associate £50-249
Terpsichore: Sponsor £250-499
Calliope: Sustainer £500-999
Urania: Patron £1000-4999
Mnemosyne: Benefactor £5000 or greater
Donate here
If you would like guidance on supporting the Warburg please contact the Institute’s Development team on